Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

John, Me, Jaxson, Amy.
We sure had a fabulous Thanksgiving at the Hatches house. It was sure fun to get together with what family could come. I ate WAY too much, and gained poundages I'm sure.
Mom slaving away in the kitchen! Thanks to all those who cooked, Linda, Brinda, Kaye, and Mom!! It was DELICSH!!
Grandma Kaye, and Brinda
Linda and Chris! Thanks for having it at your house.
The kids all had SO much fun on the tramp.
Gaming! Ticket to Ride, our new favorite game
We played Nerts for hours on end the whole weekend. John and Nate LOVE this game, but we decided that we need caffeine to stay at the top of our game. haha.
The kids were wasted after playing so hard and eating so much!
We ended up staying up too late playing games and getting up earlyearly to shop at best buy and other places, and not even getting what we wanted. Black Friday is SO not worth it. I decided that a long time ago but I must have forgotten it. haha. I was dead tired for two days after. It was such a great weekend though.


Lyndy Butler said...

YOu and AMy are beautiful! and
your boys are so handsome.
TIcket to ride is the coolest
and I miss you. The END.

Mom and Dad said...

Sounds like exactly what we do for thanksgiving! I love it. And my tricks for black friday are: if there is something you really want, go the day before and hide it behind something. Then get there an hour or so aftert the store opens. You can usually walk right through the check out. I didn't go this year because there was nothing I wanted. Happy Holidays.

Sara said...

sorry, I was logged into my in-laws computer when I wrote my comment. It is from me. Sara. :)

dave&abby johnson family said...

Cute little fam there friend, glad you guys had a wonderful thanksgiving! And I have never seen your darling twin!!! Wow, that was a trip! Cute, cute girls!!!!