We had another snow day, like right after I posted the first snow day, and this one put the other one to shame. Well, st. george is pathetic I think, well used to think at least. We got three inches yesterday morning, and they cancelled school yesterday. I thought that was the pathetic part, but I just found out why...St. george doesn't have plows for the city, and the buses don't have snow tires or chains, and the bus drivers are not trained to drive in the snow, so it's a legal thing why school is cancelled. They haven't cancelled school in 10 years, when I was in 7th grade, I remember that was the best day of the year to get out of school for the snow. Funny story.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Another Snow Day Story
Posted by Nate and Jacque Holt at 8:23 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Snow Day!
There are not very many snow days in St. George, so we had to go outside and take advantage of it. We made a small snowman, Jaxson tried to help a bit. He actually kept his cute hat on, that's a first!! What a cutie!
Posted by Nate and Jacque Holt at 1:21 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Our Free photo shoot
This was so funny because we had a place in mind to get photos taken from my sister, but it happened to be closed on sunday and we didn't have anymore time. So we just found a place in south Jordan where the city offices are, an ice rink and precut trees and just took pictures. It wasn't anything special, we just needed to get a cheap christmas photo. But I think they turned out nice. Jaxson was a pain the whole time, You can't tell too much but we didn't get any good smiles. Most of you who see my blog will get a christmas card with these pics anyway, but here's a sneak peak!!Jaxson was extra scared of the weeds we put him in, if he would have smiled it would have been the cutest picture of all.
Posted by Nate and Jacque Holt at 2:44 PM 13 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thanksgiving/Christmas reunion weekend 2008
We have a family reunion on the Holt side every two years at Thanksgiving time. There are a lot of Holts thats for sure, and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger every year with marriages and babies being born. This year there were only 100 that could make it to the reunion and there are well over 200 I think. This year we had a big family picture, a talent show, crafts for the kids, karaoke, basketball, volleyball, a fabulous thanksgiving dinner, and yummy pie. Nate's sister Jacquelyn planned it all and it went so well. Nate is a big gamer, so when some of the cousins get together to play cards then we're always there til really late. Friday we have a tradition of shopping day after thanksgiving stuff. We got shoes at big 5, then I went into old navy right by it, and lost my wallet and we were searching for an hour for it. Once we gave up and started driving, old navy called and said someone just turned it in. How blessed are we??!! But we were done shopping after that long day. Then we went to Twilight for the first time. All I have to say is that I'm sorely disappointed in the movie. With all the money the book made and all the money that is floating around in that industry, why couldn't they have made it a better quality with a better director. If they don't make the next one better quality then I think they are pocketing a ton. Off my soap box now...the other tradition we have is doing the live Nativity at tuacahn. That was a fun experience. We all dress up as parts like mary and joseph, the wisemen, shepherds, angels etc. there are live animals and we act out the nativity.
Saturday was the Christmas party that I had the opportunity to plan this year. We had lunch and it was so yummy, soup bowls and lots of salads and sides that the family brought. I love the food when the Jack Holt family gets together. We had a lot of fun games for the kids, santa dress up relay, balloon battle, the christmas present game. All the grandkids are so much fun. Then Santa came and asked the kids what they want for Christmas. It was a lot of fun and worth all the preparation. Grandma Kaye said that they were wore out by sunday, but if it's only once every two years for all the fun reunion stuff, then it's totally worth it!! Jaxson was so much fun this weekend and was suprisingly good. Gotta love that kid!
Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas!!
Posted by Nate and Jacque Holt at 9:08 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Snow Canyon Volleyball, State Champs!
I had the opportunity to assistant coach the Snow Canyon volleyball team this year from august to the first week of november when they went to the state tournament at UVU. It was so much fun, I went to SC myself, graduated in 2001, and we were only able to take 3rd my junior year, 2nd my senior year. So to be a part of a state championship team this year was super fun. This is their 3rd year in a row taking state, with Dixie (our region 9 rival) taking 2nd each of those years. It was such a great experience. I learned a lot from the head coach, Coach Parker, whose husband was my coach at Dixie College. I'm glad I had the opportunity, and I will continue coaching. I'm coaching a 14's team for SUVA club starting in January. Here are some pics from our fabulous experience.
The fans were great. Because of the game before starting two hours late, Our game didn't even start until 9:45, so the girls were tired. But it actually worked to our advantage I think, we beat Dixie in 3 games instead of the thrillers that we had earlier in the season that went to 5 games. I probably won't coach next year there just because we'll probably be moving to Cedar for school, but participating was a lot of fun.
Posted by Nate and Jacque Holt at 8:18 AM 3 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We love our Jaxson Boo!
We sure had a great party last night, Heather & Rydel and the kids came from Enterprise, Hollie & Ben were able to make it with their kids as well. The kids all dressed up and we had a costume contest. We had yummy food and then sang to Jaxson. Kim, my little sister made the adorable monkey cake. Everyone got a swing at the pinata, then we opened gifts. Jaxson was tired and probably overwhelmed by the new place and all the people. So it wasn't the best day in the world, especially since we had to switch locations at the last minute! But we made it through and it was a success. We wished more of the cousins could be there, and can't wait til Thanksgiving when they will all be together!! It's crazy how fast time flies. Our little guy is One!! It seems just like yesterday that we had him, and had to be away from him in the hospital for a couple of weeks. How lucky we are to have him healthy and strong and here with us today!! We love our Jaxson Boo!!
Posted by Nate and Jacque Holt at 4:27 PM 7 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
HUGE scare
So quick story of our day in wal mart. Nate was on his way back from school and I told him to come meet me at wal mart because I was getting some pictures for birthday announcements. I had Jaxson with me of course, and I just put him in a cart by me so I wouldn't have to hold him and figure out the Kodak picture machine while Jaxson potentially touched the screen along with me. Well I was pretty focused on what I was doing, and then I looked over while I had a break, and Jaxson was not in the cart. My heart started pounding a million beats per min, and I started looking frantically in all the aisles. Then after I ran down couple aisles, Nate saw me and started laughing, with Jaxson in his arms....K, Nate is the sneakiest man alive because I did not hear a thing, from the unbuckling of the seatbelt, the noises Jaxson usually makes when he sees daddy, to the lifting him out of the shopping cart. I wanted to cry because I was so scared and Nate was laughing his head off, and Jaxson of course had the look on his face "Who are these weird people". But honestly it taught me a good lesson, and my oh my how grateful I was that it was only Nate and not someone else. Here is a website that is dedicated to children abduction and how to avoid it. Read, and learn, and hopefully avoid the situation that could have happened to me. http://www.amberwatchfoundation.org
Posted by Nate and Jacque Holt at 3:56 PM 5 comments
Lots to update!
Our big news is that Jaxson is now walking!! He actually took his first steps a couple weeks ago and now is walking like a pro! It was so funny because the day he decided to walk, it was totally random. He hadn't taken any steps up until that point, then decided to run around the room all night. It was hilarious. I was so excited, and we got some video (that I'll figure out and post later), and everytime he fell we cheered for him and he clapped for himself. He's the cutest kid. Our other big news is that he is turning one this friday! It's crazy how fast time flies. We went up in American Fork Canyon a week ago and took some gorgeous pictures, and we'll call it good as his one year pics. Grandma and Grandpa, Juel Moody and Jaxson having a good time. And here's a sneak peak of his halloween costume. We are having a halloween costume birthday party for Jaxson, so all the cousins who can make it will dress up too. Hope its fun, and anyone who wants to dress their kids up and come...please let me know and I will get you the information!
Our little Monkey (who LOVES bananas too!)
Our trip up north a week ago was very fun. We were able to go to Jaxson's little cousins birthday party. It was a blast, and these two are so so adorable. We know Jaxson and them are going to be such good buds.Before and after pics of the cake mess, how cute are they??
This pic cracks me up, because Anna started bonking Jaxson on the head, and he started to cry. (I'm sure there were more reasons to cry then just that) but I'm sure these girls will tease him later in life, and all his friends will too if they find out he was getting beat up by a girl!
Well our little terrorizer decided to pull everything out of the cupboards and climb in, I'm not going to lie, it was funny. But does anyone have any suggestions on how to teach kids that pulling stuff out of the cupboards is bad, but teach them effectively??? help.
Nate's favorite thing to do on a piano is make up beautiful music, and Jaxson decided to come make up his own too. Like father like son huh.
Well several weeks ago we had the opportunity to go to the Deseret Book's Time Out For Women conference. It was such a fun idea to get all the Holt girls together to go. We were missing Sherri and Mindy a ton, and hope we can get everyone to do it next year in St. George! We heard from Hillary Weeks, a christian song-writer, who was fabulous and I want all her CDs. We heard several talks from different authors and specialists on certain topics. The theme was finding Joy, so I felt pretty good after I left. Eva and Anna got to come too!
The girls at Cheesecake factory!
Heidi, Alesha, Jacquelyn
Mom Holt, and Cory (poor guy housed all of us girls for the weekend, he was a trooper!)
The girls
Hollie and Jenny
Heidi and me with the band
Posted by Nate and Jacque Holt at 1:11 PM 4 comments